
Technische Universität Berlin, Design and Operation of Maritime Systems

From simulation to reality.

The basis for the development of the MUM system has already been laid in the DesignMUM research project. Potential application scenarios could be successfully identified in order to incorporate them into the design and development of the modular MUM system. The implementation of the functional model MONIQUE turned out to be very valuable for the developments in the project. Therefore, it also serves as an essential platform for testing and validating the developments of the partners in the current project phase. For this purpose, the functional model is supplemented with specifically market-relevant functionalities and its overall scope of functions will be enhanced accordingly.

With the help of parametric models and simulation calculations, advantageous hydrodynamic adjustments are to be made to the MUM demonstrator. This ensures the efficient and economical operation of the MUM demonstrator and thus increases its value in the subsequent economic exploitation. Furthermore, the results have a crucial influence on the development of the vehicle control and mission management of the partners.

In addition, the system simulation of the MUM system will be enhanced. This is used to forecast the limits of operation and the behavior of the demonstrator during testing and is therefore an effective tool for minimizing risk. It also serves to support the marketing of the overall system by quickly checking the feasibility of user requirements.

Finally, the research work will be validated on the real MUM demonstrator.
